Our first ARTlifeLAND newsletter is launched!

This month's issue gives a quick introduction to four quietly revolutionary art projects exploring the past, present and future of this beautiful corner of England.

Try out new works harnessing the power of the smart phone to bring Coleridge's 'flycatcher' notes back to the hidden places that inspired him, or write your own poetic response to the impact and change soon to affect the landscape with the building of Hinkley C.

All the projects offer wonderful opportunities for all ages to get out in this beautiful weather to explore the hills, holloways and coast of West Somerset.

What are you waiting for?

ARTlife news June/July

The next deadline to apply for a grant from ARTlife is 7th July. We can match-fund arts projects and events in West Somerset up to a maximum of £500. The forms are downloadable from http://www.artlife-somerset.co.uk/pages/resources_grants.htm
Last year we helped Mind in West Somerset to run an art group for people who wanted to explore their creativity and develop a positive attitude to mental health. They focused on clay work as a tactile and inclusive artform.

Welcome to ARTlifeLAND! - where dynamic digital arts projects are waiting to be discovered in the glorious landscape of West Somerset.

We're working on a whole new range of projects this summer and all the details will be posted here.
Join the Poetry Pin trail around Hinkley Point; follow in the footsteps of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and read his handwritten 'Flycatchers' in the places that inspired him; take part in Dark Starry Skies storytelling workshops; discover QR Code poems as you walk the Coleridge Way; or add a line or two to the Story Boxes dotted around the countryside.

Find out more:
