ARTlife, West Somerset’s Arts agency, has grants of up to £1,000 to give to community groups undertaking creative projects and events. We still have £4000 available for this financial year.

If you have an exciting, relevant and valuable idea for a new Arts project or event and if you are based in West Somerset your group could be eligible for a grant of up to £1000 from ARTlife.
The next deadlines for submitting an application are: 9th of January 2015 and then 2nd of March 2015.

This year ARTlife  has awarded grants to Watchet Roots for Summer workshops for children. Tutored community workshops linked to the 'Making an Exhibition of Ourselves' self-portrait show during Somerset Art Weeks for Contains ART (look at the 'resources page) - also in Watchet.

Stogumber Festival for their free events 
The Halsway Manor Xanadu event and Minehead EYE - funding for professional design support for merchandising.

You will find a grant scheme guidelines document to check if your project meets our criteria and you can download the application pack from the ARTlife website by clicking on this link: Arts Grants

And apply NOW!

A few pictures from the finale of Dark Starry Skies at Lynmouth Pavilion - it was standing room only!
Dark Starry Skies